Sherry Willis, the administrative assistant in the PH.D. program and officer for the African American Faculty and Staff Association, was recently honored with the GEM award for “Going the Extra Mile” to promote diversity and inclusion. This award was designed to recognize those individuals that serve the university, peers, and the Arlington community above and beyond their job requirements. According to the School of Social Work, the peer who nominated her for the GEM award wrote, “Sherry has spoken out about climate / diversity issues in a positive manner, not trying to stir the pot too aggressively, while offering a calming voice to those even more passionate about the issue during climate and culture meetings… Sherry’s intention is to contribute a more effective and harmonious school.”
Sherry Willis has been with The University of Texas at Arlington for approximate 7 years and 8 months and has been an advocate who speaks to educate others against oppression, discrimination, privilege, and other social justice issues. She continues to offer valuable insight into her experiences with the hope to coach others and promote change within the community and the University as a whole. The African American Faculty and Staff Association would like to thank Sherry Willis for her exceptional contributions to the organization and congratulate her for being recognized for the GEM award.
Read more about Sherry Willis and the other recipients for the GEM Award.